伴随着轻柔的音乐, 灵动的足尖勾勒出轻盈曼妙的舞姿, 这是芭蕾的魅力,是舞蹈的力量。 观通书院芭蕾舞体验活动, 邀请每一位热爱芭蕾、渴望舞动的你, 和专业的芭蕾舞老师一起, 感受芭蕾之美,享受舞蹈乐趣! Guantong College is now offering a ballet experience activity, inviting everyone who loves ballet and desires to dance. 活动详情 Details 时间地点Time & Venue 2024.05.15 16:40-17:40 观通书院116形体房 116 Dancing Room of Guantong College 嘉宾Guest Catalina Palma-Alter 六岁开始学习芭蕾舞,师从Joji Felix-Velarde、Sony Lopez-Gonzales和Vela Damian等杰出舞蹈家,后赴新加坡、中国香港和上海深入学习芭蕾舞,并在纽约百老汇舞蹈中心深造。 Catalina Palma-Alter learned ballet from age six until sixteen and studied with the following teachers in the Philippines: Joji Felix-Velarde, Sony Lopez-Gonzales and Vela Damian. She has taken recreational ballet classes ever since in Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai and recently at the Broadway Dance Center in New York City. 培训主题About Training 芭蕾舞基础体验 Introduction to Ballet 参加方式How to Join Us 欢迎感兴趣的同学扫码报名,报名成功将收到通知 Scan the QR code to register. Participants will be notified after successful registration.