10月30日,来同书院八段锦情操陶冶课正式开课。张水良教练细致地给同学们讲解并示范了八段锦的动作要领,引导同学们在一招一式中疏通筋骨,调整体态;在一呼一吸中舒缓压力,放松心情。张教练希望同学们勤加练习,改善体态,实现身心的和谐与平衡,从而更好地学习和生活。“老师教学很仔细,态度也很和蔼,打完八段锦身上热乎乎的!”ZJE 22级的孟同学说;来自ZIBS的王同学表示:“我的家人通过坚持练习八段锦,身体状况有了明显的改善,所以我也想系统地学习。”
On October 30th, Baduanjin Series Courses began at Laitong College. Zhang Shuiliang explained and demonstrated the key movements of Baduanjin to the students, guiding them to loosen their muscles and adjust their posture through each movement. He encouraged the students to practice diligently to improve their posture, and achieve a balance between their mind and body.