“冬日长安镇,古韵暖阳新。” 12月6日,观通书院华夏文韵探索第二期:Chang’an Hiking顺利举行。近20名师生前往海宁市长安镇,一同领略了中华传统文化与人文风光的魅力。同学们观看了一场场充满长安风情的演出,青年们以他们炽热的情感和创新的精神,为古老的传统文化注入了新的生命力,展现了对传统艺术形式的独特理解和热爱。随后,同学们前往植物图书馆,大家暂时远离城市的喧嚣,享受着片刻宁静与和谐。这次活动让同学们深刻体会到了传统文化的魅力和自然之美,是一次难忘的文化之旅和心灵之旅。
On December 6th, the Chinese Culture Experiencing of Guantong College: Chang’an Hiking was successfully held. Nearly 20 students and teachers visited Chang'an Town, Haining City, where they immersed themselves in the allure of traditional Chinese culture and humanistic landscapes. The students enjoyed performances rich in the ambiance of Chang'an and visited the botanical library, where they experienced the charm of traditional culture and the beauty of nature.