来同 Laitong | RUNNING HAINING—海宁空中廊道徒步


“一水护田将绿绕,两山排闼送青来。”12月14日,来同书院RUNNING HAINING第四期顺利举行。同学们从中丝三厂的国际文创园区出发,漫步硖石景区空中廊道,感受海宁“两山三街区”城景相融的独特魅力。六公里的路程在大家有说有笑中画上句号。来同院生Hayk很感谢书院组织的这次活动:“It was a perfect opportunity to socialize with friends, and enjoy the season’ s beauty in such a thoughtful way. I truly appreciate the chance to unwind and this refreshing experience will surely help me recharge during the finals week. 李烨轩同学则表示:“海宁的空中栈道如同一条城市中的森林:傍道的高大林木,悬铃木金黄宽大的枫形叶,落羽杉绯红纤细的羽状叶,寒冬中仍高悬的松球、女贞、乌桕等树果。作为在深圳长大的我,在这小小的栈道上体味到了层林尽染,冬风凌冽的秋冬景致。”

On December 14th, RUNNING HAINING IV at Laitong College was successfully held. Embarking from the Third Silk Factory, students took a leisurely stroll along the aerial corridor in the Xiashi Scenic Area, immersing themselves in the unique charm of Haining' s natural scenery and cultural deposits. The six-kilometer journey concluded amidst laughter and cheerful conversations.