来同 Laitong | RUNNING HAINING—“冬日骑遇记”


1月4日,来同书院联合御风骑行社顺利举行了Running Haining第五期活动——“冬日骑遇记”。 活动当天,同学们从书院出发,骑行前往海宁市尖山观音寺。尖山观音寺作为海宁市的知名景点,以其优美的自然环境和深厚的文化底蕴吸引了众多游客。本次骑行往返全程40公里,对于骑行者来说既是一次挑战,也是一次享受。 在骑行过程中,同学们相互鼓励、携手前行,展现了团队精神和积极向上的态度。尽管天气寒冷,但大家的热情和坚持让这次骑行活动充满了温暖和活力。

On January 4th, Laitong College successfully held a winter cycling activity with Yufeng Cycling Club. Participants set off from the Residential College and cycled to Guanyin Temple in Jianshan, Haining City. The round-trip cycling distance was 40 kilometers, which posed both a challenge and a delight for the cyclists. Throughout the ride, students encouraged each other and advanced together, demonstrating teamwork and a positive attitude. Despite the cold weather, everyone' s enthusiasm and perseverance filled the cycling activity with warmth and vitality.