

2月12日,书院成功举办“福蛇映月圆·元宵乐无边”元宵DIY活动,留校师生齐聚一堂,共同感受元宵节的传统文化,体验亲手制作汤圆的乐趣。活动现场,大家包馅料、搓汤圆,沉浸在欢乐的节日氛围中。热腾腾的汤圆香甜软糯,大家纷纷称赞其美味,也在品尝中感受节日的温馨和中华传统文化的魅力。来自亚美尼亚的Hayk同学分享道:“This is my second time participating in the Tangyuan DIY Activity, and I truly enjoyed the process of making tangyuan. It was not only fun but also a wonderful way to experience the cultural traditions. The tangyuan tasted good, and sharing this moment with everyone made it even more special.”
On February 12th, the Tangyuan DIY Activity was successfully hosted. Students gathered to experience the traditional culture of the Lantern Festival and enjoy the fun of making tangyuan by hand. During the event, participants filled and shaped the tangyuan, immersing themselves in the festive atmosphere. The freshly made tangyuan earned praise from everyone, allowing them to appreciate the charm of Chinese traditions and the warmth of the festival.