3月3日,来同书院艺曲同工——非遗粉塑体验活动顺利举行。来自海宁市斜桥镇的嘉兴级非物质文化遗产传承人陆一飞老师展现出专业的技艺,教同学们“捏米团”,带同学们沉浸式体验手工创作的乐趣,让同学们感受“变米为小蛇”的惊喜。其中来同院生中国语言文学专业硕士ELENA ARCALIANU说:” The rise sculture workshop was very interesting. I honestly did not know it was something done here in China. It was a very nice experience. I really recommend it.”而来自土木工程的蔡骐泽则表示:“在非遗传承人陆老师的手里,我感受到了传统技艺所蕴含的蓬勃生命力。刚开始的时候,我只能笨拙地揉捏粉团,却总让蛇身歪斜断裂,后来跟着老师示范的巧劲,将泥团反复推揉,再以竹签细细勾勒。最终,当黑色的彩泥点染蛇瞳,我也完成了自己的‘画蛇点睛’之作。”
On March 3rd, Laitong College hosted the Creative Synergy –Rice Sculpture Workshop. Lu Yifei, a Jiaxing-level intangible cultural heritage inheritor from Xieqiao Town, Haining, showcased his skills and taught students the traditional rice dough kneading technique. Through this hands-on experience, students enjoyed the art of handmade creation and marveled at the transformation of rice.