来同书院 Laitong College | 与院长畅谈大学生活



      何老师亲切询问了新同学是否适应大学生活, 了解国际生中文学习情况以及他们对中国的了解程度。对新同学提出的还未适应高中生和大学生身份转变的问题,何老师耐心引导同学们不要着急,在学习生活的实践中慢慢体悟,逐渐适应。同时,她也提醒同学们在面临高强度的课业压力时要积极参加文体活动,放松身心。


 Breakfast with the Master

Conversations about University Life


The first Breakfast with the Master of Laitong College this semester was held on October 8th. Professor He Lianzhen, Vice President of Zhejiang University and Master of Laitong College, joined the breakfast with six students from diverse backgrounds. 

During the breakfast,Prof. He kindly inquired about how well new students had adapted to university life, the Chinese learning progress of international students and how they had grasped China. When the students raised their concerns about the significant challenges they had encountered in transitioning from high school to university, Prof. He patiently provided guidance. To balance the high academic pressures, she also earnestly encouraged students to actively engage in sports activities. 

Apart from personal developments,Prof. He also took into consideration the suggestions that students provided for distinctive atmosphere development and future activity plans of Laitong College. Students mentioned, "The lecture provided by Prof. Xu last time was so fascinating. I did not even do any homework for the whole lecture." They raised expectations of hosting more such lectures in the future to enhance the humanity atmosphere of the Laitong College. Prof. He pledged to provide high-quality humanities resources for students to assist them in broadening horizons and cultivating humanistic qualities.
The Breakfast with the Master activity will be continuously held, we are warmly invited all of our residents to participate in. 


Editor:CHEN Jingyan, Laitong College Office