What is an interview that "looks like it"?


On March 19, the 20th Lecture of Residential College Career Planning Tutorial Series "Successful Interview" was held online. Teacher Liu Qin, a volunteer lecturer of Zhihui who has 24 years of consulting experience, explained in detail what the interview was about "looking like the inside" and answered all kinds of questions of students.


"What is the interviewer thinking?" First of all, Mr. Liu Qin let the students learn to think in terms of empathy. As for the similarities and differences of the interviews proposed by the students about enterprise recruitment, studying abroad, summer camp, etc., he mentioned that the essence of the interview is the same, that is, to verify whether the resume is consistent with the person.

Liu Qin stressed that we should show our true selves in the interview, "showing you the same as your resume in front of the interviewer". How can we do better on the basis of reality? Mr. Liu Qin taught the students the interview secret script of "looking like the inside".

From the interviewer's point of view, Mr. Liu Qin introduced the types of interviews and emphasized the points that need attention in group interviews. He quoted interview clips from the film to guide students to understand how to answer the question of "past behavior" in the interview. He reminded everyone of the effective "BBB" method - background, behavior and benefit.


How to deal with the hypothetical situation in the interview? "These questions are about how to deal with urgent and important problems." Teacher Liu Qin said that this is about the students' concept and logical analysis ability, which belongs to the in-depth exploration link in the interview and needs to be prepared and accumulated at ordinary times.
