Spring infectious disease publicity


Spring is season when a variety of infectious diseases would occur. March 30th, for the health and safety of students in our campus, Office of Student Affairs cooperating with Office of Campus Development and Management & Campus Infirmary organized an activity of spring infectious disease publicity.



The promotional boards about Spring infectious disease were displayed at both gates of Residential College and Canteen, for the convenience of students. The boards contain some common types of infectious diseases such as chicken pox, influenza, measles and the like, and the prevention and control points and measures.

From 12 to 14’clock that afternoon, a doctor and a nurse gave a on-site publicity at the hall of Residential College. They prepared some trivia games related to knowledge of spring infectious disease with exquisite gifts for all the students, which attracted positive participation of both Chinese and international students. Besides, Dr. Cao also did detailed and patient explanations for students. For a variety of infectious diseases, he reminded students to pay attention to different channels of transmission, symptoms, and mind to take all the prevention measures.



We wish every Chinese or international student in the this campus have a healthy body, and beautiful mind!